One of the things that impressed me with Bravo's other shows was that they took people with talent. To be a chef, you have to be a quick thinker, to be a designer, you have to be artistic and ready to look at things from a new perspective. To be a model? All you have to do is have a pretty face and the will to become Skelator. And that just doesn't cut it for me.
In a way, 'Make Me a Supermodel' is kind of amazing in that the models fit every stereotype you can think of. None of them are terribly bright, and they are all shockingly skinny and make a point of skipping meals. At least on other model shows, there are people encouraging them to be healthy. On this one it's the other way around. The judges criticize the models about their weight constantly. How many young girls (and some boys) watch this show and think that' how you have to be? These people set bad examples for everyone, not just children.
Do yourself a favor. Don't watch this show; you can literally feel the brain cells draining out your ears as the judge (who looks like Minnie Driver would if she was attacked with plastic surgery) walks onto the screen. It's depressing.