If you've ever read any of my other reviews, you will know that my number one pet peeve today is the latest trend in lighting, or rather lack thereof. It's like every modern filmmaker dropped out of school before they got to good lighting techniques. After seeing this... those movies look like professional jobs! For five minutes we sat in total darkness while people talked. Everyone had a flashlight, but somehow, the light emitted defied all known conventional laws of physics. You could see the light of the flashlight, but it was unable to illuminate a single element of the scene.
Even before this, though, this group of friends was standing outside in broad daylight and you could not even see their faces for the shadows. Another director that thinks neutral density filters with no fill light equals "nighttime".
The "acting" of this motley crew was deplorable. I've seen better actors in the local kindergarten Christmas pageants. Seriously.
Unless you are atoning for some egregious sin, run - do not walk - as fast as you can from this pisspoor excuse for a movie.