The story gets preposterous at the end, I feel like it had one too many twists, literally just one less at the end and it'll be fine by me. Everything else was done brilliantly, not to say it would have contended for movie of the year but for what it was trying to do, everything was good, the acting, the directing, casting, the pace of the movie was well put out. Which is why I'm confused with all the twists at the end, because the movie was interesting enough without them.
It's just very fictional, like a watt pad novel my friends used to love reading in high school. As a whole, feels like it was stuck in-between two minds, whether to make it an erotica or not. The illogical twists and the stand out sex scene made it feel like they were trying, but there wasn't enough of it to consider it a "skin flick"(lack of better words). I almost like it as a regular movie, too mediocre to make it a priority on your watch list yeah but still worth a watch. It just feels like an adult movie that didn't want to be explicit, which is why that Seb and Sydney Sweeney scene confused me, it's welcomed, just confusing.