"Megalomaniac" is one of the most disturbing and powerful horror films I've seen in a while. This French-language Belgium production fits comfortably in the European Extreme horror film genre -- like "Martyrs" and "Frontier(s)" among others. You'll feel like you were punched in the gut after you're done watching it. And although it's not for everyone, it's one of the best horror films of 2023.
As the film begins, we are told the story of "The Butcher," who killed 15 women over the course of six months. We then fast forward to meet his two grown children, Felix and Martha. They live in the family home, and Martha works as a janitor, where she is treated awfully, to support them. Felix appears to be continuing his father's work, and Martha seems to know about it. She also appears to be trying to get help for her clear mental issues by having a social worker visit her occasionally.
Martha's treatment at work becomes truly horrible, and we think that we are going to see her embrace the madness that runs through her family and lash out. But "Megalomaniac" is far too clever for that. Martha's descent into madness is far more horrifying than we could ever expect and you will never get me to spoil what happens, other than to say it becomes one of the most disturbing and nihilistic films I've seen in a long time. And the movie becomes even more powerful when every now and then, it hints that things may not be completely as they seem... but never takes any shortcuts or gives easy answers.
The acting is absolutely spectacular. Eline Schumacher as Martha and Benjamin Ramon as Felix command the screen every time they are on it. The film doesn't shy away from graphic violence but also doesn't revel in it and that makes it even more intense. And intense it is, "Megalomaniac" does not let up for the entirety of its running time, there is not a single light moment or laugh in it.
To be honest, I am a little surprised this film actually got a wide, mainstream release. You will feel this movie as you watch it and after it's done. It will generate long discussions, including what the title refers to. It's a pleasure to give a rave review and hopefully get it some more viewers, so if you're a fan of these types of intense horror films "Megalomaniac" is recommended without reservation.