Wow - this move is bad. I was excited to watch it with all the great ratings and reviews. What a fool I was. I'm only writing this review because I'm so angry it has such high ratings and I feel a duty to try and change that. This movie is truly awful. The characters are one dimensional cliches - central character with an incurable disease and deep family trauma - check, struggling single mother with smart and beautiful daughter - check, bully ex- boyfriend of said single mother - check, elderly coach with drinking problem - check, tough, but wise and caring gym owner who takes central character under her wing ( oh and she's a recovering addict too of course) - check. The script and plot were unimaginative, wooden and utterly predictable. If you told me ChatGPT had written it I would not be surprised. Even the music was poorly chosen and never seemed to match the tone of the scenes. I'm sure a bunch of people will watch this because of the great reviews, but if you do and you hate it, don't say I didn't warn you!!!!