Deep in the heart of human nature is the craving to be appreciated - William James.
And this love story rings true to that: the initial setting was in Do Do village where main character Ngan fell heads-over-heels for his class mate Ha Lan (played by Truc Anh) since grade school. The two enjoyed years together as close friends while Ngan kept hinting his love via caring and singing love song over his guitar... things started to drastic turn when Ha Lan went to the city for high school and Ngan followed suit. Ha Lan was overwhelmed with the city lights, the busy streets, the bars, etc... however Ngan's love for her endured and he continued to give... a childhood crush that spanned over three decades.... he did not change even when he had his chances of happiness without her.Love made him blind and he could not see the world changing? Or was he one stubborn SOB who refused to accept defeat? Who are we to judge? For me his insistence resonates with the idea that we are driven not only by our basic instincts but also by our desire to win love via our own virtue and to remain hopeful that one day we will be appreciated for the agonizing pain from selfless sacrifices we have made. Because love is not a zero-sum game and certainly not a commodity that can be bought... strong enough to overcome most irresistible temptation.
This begs the question of if Ngan character ever exists in reality. That's for each audience to decide!
Incredible cinematography and music scores can bring feeling to many highs and climaxes regardless of how familiar you are with Central Vietnam in the 1970's.