This film opens up the real lives of sex trade workers and shows how as human beings they cope with the real risks of a dangerous profession. It was an eyeopener into the daily reality of someone who loves sex and makes a lot of money doing it. The street sex trade workers have so many obstacles to overcome that the real issues of food and a clean/safe bed get lost in the constant push for treating their addictions. This film gave a real human face to the women who do a job that many men in society still want or need. Most importantly these women need to be accepted as professionals and treated as such. I believe women can help by accepting sex trade workers as professionals. Men can help by being decent humans and not doing violence against women and paying properly for what they sexually desire. Society can help by taxing the professionals and providing health benefits and pensions just like they do for every other worker in society. Imagine what the sex trade could look like in your city/town?