The first show started at 10.30. There was no such explosive crowds infront of the theater as for naran. The film started with huge applause and jai's to lalettan. The film shows the correct picture of a normal family in an interesting way. The film started with a small touching sentiment's between lal and his son.And all other scenes were pleasant. But when it began to reach the midst of the film...situations changed... The villain came.."Alzeimers disease"!!!! Then the scenes were out of control. I tried my level best not to cry aloud. In many occasions I closed my eyes for long time....and tears shed. No Lal fans can see the situation of mohanlal at that time
A father who loves his family very much...who need to make his son an IAS officer....who is known as the brilliant father in the son's school...suddenly changed liked a small child who doesn't know even to write or talk...But his wish to make his son an IAS officer was hidden somewhere in his mind... The last scene was a suspense which no lal fans expected...That scene make us completely out of control... In a scene Mohanlal even came out from the office bathroom in only Jetty (underwear). In another scene One man will beat him cruely and he cries like a little child.....When Jagathy and Nedumudy drinks tea, Lal was looking at their tea glass , for giving him also tea.. And many scenes more.....And sure The film will be taken by family audience from tomorrow itself. And the National award is confimed to lal and lal only