This film is about a college professor married to a beautiful and loving wife who decided that he wants to try a threesome by inviting one of his students into bed. This film is very painful to watch. What could have been a funny comedy, the film decomposes into a sappy melodrama where the actors spend most of their screen time staring out the window and blubbering as tears roll down their cheeks. The director can not get the actors to convey the inner emotional struggle they are going through. With four writers and two script consultants on the payroll you would think that the script would be the best thing about the film but in fact it is the worst. The lame directing and awkward staging aren't any better. There are a lot of sex scenes in this film but the actors keep their underwear on like they were trying for a PG rating! I've seen hotter sex scenes on network TV.
The actors do their best with the situation but the casting is all wrong especially Jeremy London who totally misses the mark. The photography is good but the lighting is flat which makes the actors appear two dimensional.
All calendars in the film show 2004 and there are plenty of presidential election notices that make up the set dressing (all anti Bush of course). Seeing how this film took three years to get a DVD release is not surprising.