Okay let's get this out of the way first. As far as story goes this is about as derivative as it gets. A kinda Reservoir Dogs meets well Reservoir Dogs. But I am assured that this unofficial sequel to earlier Reservoir Dogs rip off 'Boyz Gone Bad' was again made before either film maker had seen the Tarantino epic.
So to the film. As with most Modern Life? Films, Fixing To Blow, is full of action, fights and gun play with bad men saying lots of bad words.
What makes this film stand out, apart from some superb direction and clever editing, is the fact the it was, for the most part, the script was adlibbed.
A Mike Lee take on a Tarantino concept. Very odd but it works, well and what we have here is 30 heart pounding minutes of British gangsters swearing, arguing, accusing each other and finally kicking the crap out of each other until only one is left.
Hero & villain duties fall to PL Hobden and Glenn Salvage, once again reprise there stock hard men roles from most other Modern Life? Films but here step it up a notch.
There is a lot to like about this film. It flies by, it's ambitious for it's budget and keeps you gripped to the screen.
A gratuitous exercise in bad language, flying fists and British hardmen. Wonderfully entertaining!