Ty The Tasmanian Tiger 2: Busch Rescue has a nice upgrade to the first game. I might as well start what I mean with the game's biggest highlight, the gameplay. Instead of having to go back to a level over and over to finish a task you miss, now you can go to the missions in any world you like. As well as putting it a scavenger hunt to get all the collectibles. That and it even has more awesome ring abilities you can do. The game designers did a good job with the graphics giving more of the materials visually and especially making the textures more realistic. It might not have the best told story since it is more for the kids like in the first game, but can be done decently how it connects to the first game. I know like I just said, some can say this is more suitable for the kids to get into gaming. But I also recommend this for the fans of the first game. I have yet to play the third game, but this would probably be the strongest of the franchise. Like the first game, it is underrated since there's not really a lot of people that talk about this. Maybe one day the franchise will be revived and there will be people that will talk about it again. I know it has been remastered to the new consoles, but at least rebooted with their new graphics that would probably be better.