Directed by Raymond Yip Wai Man, who brought us the brilliant Bruce Lee, My Brother as well as the hilarious, Sixty Million Dollar Man (with Chow Sing Chi) and many more, brings us a colourful, often funny, and fight filled action rom-com with a top cast and fight choreography courtesy of the brilliant Stephen Tung Wei.
This was my first introduction to Miriam Yeung Chin Wah, and I did think she was brilliantly cute and funny at the same time, handling the drama, romance and action quite well. She comes across as a mix of the hilarious Sandra Ng with the great Cynthia khan! Of course, she is aided by the wonderfully handsome Ekin Cheng, as well as a host of top comedy actors such as Cheung Tat Ming, Hui Siu Hung, Lee Lik Chi and Lau Yee Tat, along with kung fu greats like Lo Meng, Law Kar Wing, Jackie Chan Stunt Team member Rocky Lai and the amazing Yasuaki Kurata, who plays her father!
From its fun, animated opening titles, you know what kind of film this is going to be, and while daft at times, Anna In Kung Fu Land is still a very well made movie. The comedy is genuinely funny, from Ekin coming to Japan to try and convince Anna to come with him to Hong Kong for a martial arts competition, with the promise of Hollywood agents being there to look out for their next big star, to the range of insane fighters at the tournament.
That and, making her think that he's in love with her of course...
Ekin lives at home with his hot-headed policewoman girlfriend (Denise Ho) and brother (played by the super-cute Wong You Nam). Obviously this leads to many disasters as both women grow closer as the plot moves along, which leads to some heart-break and lots of laughs, as one would expect!
There are so many little things throughout from each character, that has me laughing out louder than the next person, but that's most likely down to how much I love my Hong Kong comedies. While it's never going to go down as a classic, Anna In Kung Fu Land is bright, fun, light-hearted and refreshing to watch - and I haven't tired of it yet...
Overall: Crazy fights and great comedy make Anna In Kung Fu Land a fun watch!