I have become a big Richard Dutcher fan. I always spend several days after seeing his movies thinking about the implications. States of Grace is by far his best offering. I think I liked it so well because it tells an LDS story that is not only realistic but can hold meaning for anyone of faith. It is very well crafted and the cinematography is just beautiful. The acting ranges from good to extremely good and as always in a Richard Dutcher movie the symbolism is deep.
My wife liked this movie so much because she felt that it told the truth. Bad things happen in the lives of good people everyday and Dutcher does a phenomenal job of looking at what that life can become when viewed through a spiritual filter. Something that would have little significance for one person may be a profound life changing event for another. This film demonstrates that and shows how all lives can be touched by the atonement of Jesus Christ. I never thought that I would see a movie that could tell such a gritty and true story and yet communicate so powerfully the universality of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a great movie for Mormons but I can easily see why non LDS people would have trouble getting by the depiction of Mormon culture....too bad, I think anyone of faith could be uplifted by the message of this film.