The film shows reality of life of Polish peer and gentry in the 2nd half of 17th century. But the main tune is a political and secret fight against the emerging new and dangerous power in Europe: Hohenzollern Prussia. The Kingdom of Poland tried to recover full sovereign rights upon the East Prussia. The Great Marshall of Poland, Jan Sobieski (later the King Jan 3 famous of Vienna battle) plans to use mutinies of Prussian knights and citizens to incorporate East Prussia to Poland. But there are opponents paid by Prussian secret agents and finally the Turkish invasion makes the double front struggle impossible. The unsolved problem of East Prussia has got the reason for many wars in 18th to 20th centuries (including the 2nd world war). Even today, Russian presence at Baltic coast (a so called "Kaliningrad district") might cause potential conflicts in the future Europe. The book was written by Ryszard Pietruski, who was born in Pomerania and knew those problems very well. Pietruski was an actor and played the black-bearded fellow of colonel Dowgird.