only one man could have done this role. Chiranjeevi fits in like a hand in a glove into this role. After the immensely successful Indra, the expectations were sky high. The young director V. V. Vinayak, chosen after his immensely successful Aadi and Dil, proves himself to be one of the finest talents on the block. Manisharma delivers a good score, not as good as Indra but again, the dancing megastar can elevate any tune to heights. the story is of a man fighting corruption using his students as his weapons, seen earlier in umpteen number of films. It is definitely the direction and screenplay that make this one truly different. The hospital episode is definitely the best to hit the screen in a long time. The only flaw was that the movie turned too talk heavy at times with little entertainment value, it could have done better with some comedy and a little less dialogs. Overall, a must see.