This 35-minute documentary offers an enjoyable and illuminating glimpse into the making of James Whale's horror classic "The Invisible Man." Among the people interviewed are Claude Rains's daughter Jessica, film historians David J. Skal and Paul M. Jensen, actor Ian McKellan, and Whale's director friend Curtis Harrington. Jessica Rains share a nice story about her father taking her to see the movie at a theater where Rains was recognized by the ticket counter man. Moreover, we also learn that Whale grew up in poverty, H.G. Wells was reluctant to have "The Invisible Man" adapted into a movie due to his dissatisfaction with "Island of Lost Souls," Boris Karloff and Colin Clive were both originally considered for the lead role, how various elements were combined together to create the invisibility effects, Whale loved casting distinctive character players in colorful supporting parts, and Whale eventually became a recluse because of his disillusionment with the meddlesome Hollywood studio system at the end of his career. In addition, there's a brief overview of the several sequels. Worth a watch for fans of the film.