This is a hardcore Tomb Raider fan since 1998 talking.
Tomb Raider was already damaged. Everything started when little changes occurred in Tomb Raider 4, removal of the ring menu, change in the save system, Lara's model was done badly, introducing Jonell Elliot as the voice actor, etc...
Then there was Chronicles who thanks to the lack of storyline and pathetically bringing back dead characters back to life (timeline doesn't matter, since Larson and Pierre apparently died in both TR1 and TR5).
Then this piece of junk was released (Unfinished, full of bugs and glitches after being delayed by 1 year and 6 months). The controls are horrible, the game boring and the moving Lara while in combat mode is absolutely a nightmare. it's clear that Core design had lost all interest in Tomb Raider. Maybe if the same team that worked on TR1 stayed things would've worked differently, but sadly, we all know the outcome. What makes things worse is the beta version of the game, which looks a lot easier to control and a lot more Tomb Raider. Not to mention moves like wall jump and parts of the levels that had Tomb Raider written all over them were cut out. Replaced by the boring and never ending empty streets of Paris and Prague.
Since when does Lara bribe people to run errands for her? Since when does she ask for directions? Since when can she level up? How did Core even think that it would be a success? They couldn't have gone any lower.
Thank God Crystal Dynamics were brought into the picture by Eidos. Tomb Raider legend wasn't the best Tomb Raider game due to the lack of challenge, linearity and shortness of the game. However, the controls did give a great feeling, so just think of what can be achieved if they fix the flaws.
If they can fix the stuff mentioned above, bringing back the "Current Position" (Meaning; replaying levels, when you save, you restart from that checkpoint when you load and not restart the whole level), keeping your equipment when replaying (and not finding stuff in the final part of the game and have it in the beginning when reloading a level), beating a replayed level, the game will take you to the next one and not to the main menu, and making Lara hold the guns in the classic way, I think it would be safe to say that Tomb raider really IS back.