The original version Manalane Mangayin Bhagyam starring Gemini Ganesan and Anjali Devi was made in Tamil and as Suvarna Sundari in Telugu with Akenni Nageshwar Rao and Anjali Devi in the lead and the music was by P. Adinarayana Rao.The Tamil and Telugu versions were made simultaneously and both versions released in the same year 1957 ; however the Tamil version released first in 1957. The same was remade in Hindi later with same lead actors as that of Telugu and same music director but different supporting cast was used in Hindi. Playback singers in Telugu and Tamil were done by Ghantasala and P. Susheela and in Hindi alone it was by Rafi and Lata. The Tamil version released first. Initially Manalane Mangayin Bhagyam was to be dubbed in Hindi but Lata Mangeshkar and distributors advised that remake be done in Hindi. Hence the third version was made as Suvarna Sundari. The Telugu and Tamil version were blockbusters having run for 2 years continuously and in Hindi too it was a hit with the film running for 395 days in North India in many theaters.