If we were in the 50's, this could have been called "I married a vampire". A man trapped in a loser relationship falls in love with an ethereal blonde, who doesn't eat, doesn't go out during the day and lives near a cemetery where grisly murders recently occurred.
The premise has been used before, possibly to better effect, which does not mean that this low-budget offering is without its merit. The male lead is endearing, in a goofy but tender kind of way. His discovery of his lover's curse borders on the comical, and were it not for the timid nudity, this is why this reminded me so much of early-Hollywood horror/comedies. Granted, there's a whole budget of difference and the blonde "nice" vampire firmly believes in stoic, expressionless acting. Her evil counterpart, though, makes a fine enough job and the movie is fast-paced enough that B-movie lovers will not get bored.