The charming beginning boosted my interest in the movie and it did not disappoint me. It is seriously underrated! Indeed, it is a surprising film, as its name gives the impression that it is a sexploitation "pornochanchada", but it is not (well, not exactly... but there is a lot of sex!), it is more a romantic comedy. It is an amusing movie on the adventures of a couple of trickster "easy-driver" party-crashing friends Beth Bombardeio and scoundrel Carlos, until life stops them and the story has a turning point. Soundtrack contributes to the free spirit feeling. It is one of the best Brazilian films from the 70's and should have that acknowledgement! Just an anedote to resume: Flamengo club's red and black colours appear several times (in the blancket, in the morotcycle, inside the tent, in the flag given to Beth in the bus, and in the future!!!), as Carlos is a fanatic of the team, just as I am.