Having never watched this back when it was on TV back in the late 90's I finally caught this on Netflix. I guess I thought it was irrelevant being far from gay and not really being particularly interested in that scene. I'm happy to say I was wrong. Gay, straight, in-between, whatever...this is a story about love and sex and how you deal with those emotions in a modern world. It is very clever - cleverly written and cleverly acted. Especially Aidan Gillen stands out and carries the role of the emotionally shut off Stuart with the perfect mixture of charm and arrogance. He is a real anti-hero. Just when you're convinced he is a right bastard, he surprises you.
The show is also interesting to watch these almost 15 years after it aired. I keep reading about how shocking it was and times must have changed because I didn't find it shocking at all. Sure, there is partial nudity but nothing explicit and sure: it deals with homosexuality - doesn't shock me. It's sort of a "Sex and the City" for the gay man.
Also I find it refreshing that Queer As Folks for the most part stays clear of the stereotypical over-the-top and almost feminine "gay man" as seen in shows like "Will and Grace". Different times back then perhaps?
The ending was, giving no spoilers, not really up to par in my opinion. But I guess they had to end it somehow and it feels like they were in a hurry. It did seem a little far fetched.
In some ways I would kinda like to see how Stuart and Vince live life in their 40s but at the same time a reunion done poorly would be devastating when the original is so enjoyable. Cannot do anything but recommend watching it. Gay, straight, whatever...