Low budget collection of animated shorts featuring popular Spanish comic book characters Mortadelo and Filemon, who are comically incompetent private investigators.
Even though the animation is simple, I felt it captured well the style and humor of the comic, and children will enjoy the physical humor. The humor is childish and physical, but for me it was pleasant to watch and I had some chuckles and a smile on my face.
Being made in 1969, it's the early stage of the comics, so the two "heroes" are working on their own and do not belong to the TIA yet. Because of that, we do not get the wonderful supporting cast (Superintendente Vicente, Ofelia the secretary, Professor Bacterio...), which is a pity.
Anyway, I enjoyed this movie much more than the higher budget live action adaptations starting with La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón (2003), which were less faithful to the spirit of the source material.
Rating: 7/10