"The Rounder" is a very early short with Jack Benny. Like many early talking comedies, this one is very talky and static--mostly because studios really didn't know what to do with stage comics. Also, because of the primitive sound equipment, folks often stood around in these films. In light of this, while "The Rounder" is not a particularly great film, it stacks up reasonably well with similar early talking shorts from other comics like Bob Hope, George Jessel, Smith & Dale and the like.
It begins with a drunk* (Benny) trying to climb into the window of his house, as he cannot find his key. However, it turns out NOT to be his place and the woman inside offers him a bizarre proposition--she'll pay him to pretend to be her husband in public! Where all this goes, you'll just have to see it for yourself.
*Benny's drunk imitation is one of the worst in film history, as he didn't look or sound the least bit drunk. Not an auspicious performance, that's for sure!