This DragonBall Z movie was rather entertaining, it just suffers the same flaw a lot of the movies do. They generally have all this lead up, a fight with some underlings, and then you have your fight between the two strongest warriors only to be left disappointed in the fact that the fight is very anti-climatic. This one features the DragonBall Z gang in the martial arts tournament, which for some reason in this movie is full of gimmicks. Some entertainment to be found here as I enjoyed the Tien and Trunks fight. Then this tournament goes onto a second phase, here though some rather unruly participants get involved and start causing major trouble. So the fighting begins between the Z fighters and the strange assortment of villains led by Bojak or whatever his name may be in Japan. It has its moments, but it is also a bit of a disappointment when compared to other movies from the series. Like most of the movies you can usually not fit this one into the flow of the regular series all that well, though it fits a bit better than others. It almost works, but then it doesn't, like the fact Trunks supposedly comes back from the future to fight in a pointless tournament other than help rebuild the decimated Earth from his time. This one also features a one note villain who has absolutely no back story whatsoever. Still, some cool fights here and there and you get to see Mr. Satan who is called Hercule in America. Though I guess it may be a negative to some that he is in this.