Yesterday, I was flipping channels and came across this little gem. As soon as I saw Harvey Keitel, I laid the tv remote down. I caught it during the opening credits and I had no clue what to expect. I wasn't too concerned though. Any film involving Keitel usually has its rewards. The story follows a young man who was widowed a year ago. He's taking a road trip when he picks up a drifter who claims to be Elvis, but looks nothing like the king.
This is the kind of feel-good drama that I haven't seen in a long time. Perhaps what suprised me the most, was that this is the kind of flick that the whole family can enjoy. The prfanity is very light and there is one mild scene of sexuality. Harvey Keitel delivers a knockout performance as Elvis and Bridget Fonda was also quite good in a barely recognizable role as a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. It was only when she took off the make-up that I recognized her. This one is well worth seeing.