CBS finally stumbled into a younger market several years ago, inspite of itself...before that, prior to '01, CBS bought and played place-holders, especially, played out staples from other networks.
Cosby was one of the best of these. Freely lifted, barely re-tooled, and name-changed from the NBC run, this show was a genial, even less wavemaking showcase than the 80s Cosby run (which made no waves in reality beyond Brady Bunch-style safety).
Stage-bound, and essentially a verbal play between 2.5 avg sets, this was Cos' and whoever, coming in several times a week for coffee, and a filmed reading. It had it's nice comforts...currently, very comfortable and genial about 4am in synd if you channel it up by chance, and need encouragement to sleep.
Bad = Televised airspace placeholder....Good = Cosby, and light-hearted lullaby and drone. Venerable late-night/very early morning fare when you're trying to sleep.