As a director, Kevin Tenney's body of work is mixed at best. But as a writer it's clear that he has no problem stealing the plots of other movies. This is a blatant ripoff of a 1987 movie called The Hidden, which had the same storyline but much better action sequences. His later film, Endangered Species, is clearly a ripoff of Terminator. Witchtrap ripped off The Haunting and Hell House and his own Witchboard, which featured an equally cheesy villain. The opening set-up of the one Night of the Demons script he wrote (#3) was his attempt to steal Quentin Tarentino's crime action thunder, mixed with his usual rehash of plot points from the original film in the series. With all the struggling young writers out there trying to make a buck, you'd think that Tenney would throw away his keyboard and hunt for original material. Looking over his credits on this site, his best films were written by other people.