Despite its two top billed actors being Steven Bauer and Chelsea Field, when Snapdragon was released back in the early 90's it was clearly being promoted as a Pamela Anderson vehicle. Pretty unsurprisingly because this film captures a young Pammy at an early stage in her career and she looks absolutely delicious it has to be said. The film is an erotic psychological thriller, a sub-genre that was particularly popular in the early 90's. It concerns a series of murders that appear to involve a female killer who dispatches with men during sex at the point of orgasm. Meanwhile, a police psychologist becomes involved with a young amnesiac woman who suffers recurring dreams of murder.
As a thriller this one is definitely lacking in the suspense area. The murder scenes are all pretty steamy and well shot but there is no build up to speak of and the subsequent investigation doesn't really generate much in the way of thrills or intrigue. It's unfortunate that the film is lacklustre in these areas but it definitely is serviceable enough and the plot-line never gets boring. But where this one definitely scores is from an erotic point-of-view, where it is a noticeable success. I, personally, am a big fan of femme fatales and pneumatically buxom women, while I do find Anderson extremely attractive so it's perhaps no surprise that I got a kick out of Snapdragon. There were a series of scenes sprinkled throughout featuring a naked Pamela in action, they were very sexy and did not disappoint. I don't think that you can ask for too much more from a Pamela Anderson vehicle to be perfectly honest. For what it's worth the best acting performance came from Chelsea Field, who is also kind of cute as well.