Jay Leno, Johnny Carson, Letterman, they are all alright. but usually when i watch one of them, it is because an actor or musical act i like will be on. Conan is the only talk show i watch just to see him. they could have a channel of nothing but reruns of Conan shows, and i would watch it all day. i did not become a hardcore watcher(every night) of Conan until maybe six months ago, and i feel cheated for not being able to see the 10 years of shows he did prior. He is hilarious, Max is hilarious, all the little skits they do range from terrible to genius, but even the terrible ones make you giggle from the sheer stupidity of them. Hilarious. Truly one of the most consistently funny shows ever, up there with South Park, Arrested Development, and the best sitcom ever, Scrubs. The humor may not always work, but they are never afraid to attempt jokes and skits you can not believe are on a huge network show. Max and Conan have this chemistry, its like they have no chemistry kind of, and that is what makes it so great. I never get tired of Conan making fun of how crappy he and his show is, even though we all know it is the exact opposite. Definitely worth staying up for.