This TV mini-series production traces John F. Kennedy's life from a semi-rebellious youth, second son and second in the heart of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., up to his 1946 election to Congress. The show was in 2 parts and can now be seen on the True Movies Channel on cable.
Patrick Dempsey does an excellent job displaying the famed Jack Kennedy youthful exuberance as well as the killer Kennedy charm. The movie deals with the issues and events which formulated and shaped the ideals of this young man destined to become our 35th President.
In addition it examines the various romantic affairs Jack Kennedy had prior to his ascent into politics. We see how Joe Kennedy thrusts upon young Jack all the hopes and dreams he had for Joe Jr. after Jr. dies in WW II. We get peaks into how Joe Sr. casts a guiding light and hand over his son's activities. We also see how Jack both resents and appreciates the heavy hand of his father.
The movie also shows a very human portrayal of how young Jack Kennedy was received by his crew and commanding officers while in the Navy commanding the famed PT 109. We also see how the events after the PT boat was sunk led to the turnaround of his men's feeling toward Lt. Kennedy and how he shunned heroism that his father so felt would aid his future political career.
All in all not much has been done on JFK's youth with respect to books and movies. Because so much concentrated on his presidential run and subsequent events leading up to Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963 it is nice to get, albeit a fictional, look see into Kennedy's early years. If you're a fan of fact based movies laced with fictional accounts and were a fan of JFK this is good viewing.