If you are looking for a movie with a prudent life lesson or just a "happy end/justice to all" thing or an ordinary chick flick, than you might want to go back to Maid In Manhattan's...
It takes some life experience to let the beauty of this movie sink in... and by that I mean - no judgment, simply going for the essence, which ultimately has to be love.
Why am I submitting this comment 13 years after the movie's release and 5 years since I've seen it first? Because they are timeless occasions in life, so common in this new internet/long distance dating era, in which this story reveals that you really don't need to always have it all, the socially acceptable and expected full packaged "life together" deal in order to feel the true love and happiness.
This love story gives hope to those, that haven't had the luck to spend their happily ever after with a person they love and respect the most. Why it didn't happen between the main protagonists, might be the discussion point to the crew that gets their answers by judging other people's choices.
For the rest of us that crave simply feeling alive, loving and loved, the storyline (not perfectly done and not perfectly acted) offers the wealth of thinking beyond the compromise and the white picket fence. Upliftng, hopeful, giving and enriching for what it is - a treasure that can happen in one's lifetime.