I keep seeing the word 'mess' when reading reviews for Criminal Law, & after having watched it for myself - I understand why. Great character leads, a promising plot, & attempts at bringing light to the spectrum of human morality, cannot save the fact that the story crumbles in on itself about halfway into the movie.
Had the writers kept it simple instead of dabbling into the history of the antagonist, Bacon, what with the topic of abortions & the view of good/evil in the eyes of God, it might've made for a more exciting film. It would've garnered a higher rating from me if it hadn't all fallen apart at the end. Characters change into totally different people, their actions not suiting the personality they've established for the audience. In the last 10 minutes, you can see how everything is going to unfold, as much as you may wish it wouldn't... leaving little to no resolution & one of the worst cuts to the credits I've seen. All in all, a decent mess of an 80s thriller.