This was one show that was basically just on so you could watch hot girls run down the beach. The plots of the episodes were inconsequential, and for the most part who cared? If you tuned in, you wanted to see the gals running down the beach...if you watched it for the story you basically were going to be disappointed as the episodes stories for the most part were awful. Of course, it is amazing that it stayed on the air for as long as it did, but that was more thanks to the shows popularity over in Europe where David Hasslehoff is extremely popular for reasons unknown. Not that he is a terribly bad actor, but they like him more for his singing ability...which is terrible. All in all it isn't a show to take to seriously, in fact it is a show you can watch five minutes of and then flip to something else and maybe flip back to it to see if they are running down the beach in slow motion