"Kathy McCormick" (Barbara Eden) is a widow who lives with her father and works as a cashier at the local supermarket. Although the owner of the supermarket named "Sid" (Robert Constanzo) has a crush on her she doesn't feel the same for him. Then one day she gets a free ticket to a high-society benefit and feeling somewhat out of her element tells the ladies at her table that she works in "the market". This causes great interest among those at the table and wanting to fit in she volunteers to help out in their thrift shop. Soon one thing leads to another and before long she has an active social life cavorting with the rich and famous while at the same time holding down her job at the supermarket. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a nice rom-com which was clearly made-for-television and suffered somewhat for that reason. For example, the comedy wasn't that great and the plot was also rather predictable. Even so, Barbara Eden still looked quite nice and fans of hers will probably enjoy this film. Again, while this isn't a great movie by any means I suppose it was okay for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Average.