Right, well this 1985 Hong Kong comedy titled "Happy Ghost II" (aka "Kai xin gui: Fang shu jia") is in fact an archetypical Hong Kong comedy from the mid-1980s. So if you enjoyed movies from back then, then you most certainly will also enjoy this particular movie.
The storyline told in "Happy Ghost II" is pretty straight forward. It is more of a feel-good story than it is an outright comedy, because the laughs - while they are there - are far in between. But that was not an issue, because the storyline and plot was nicely written by writers Clifton Ko, Bing-cheung Mak and Raymond Pak-Ming Wong, and brought to the screen by director Clifton Ko.
There is a good pacing to the storyline told in the movie, which definitely improved on the overall enjoyment of the movie.
Now, I am not familiar with the first movie. I believe I have watched it way back, but I can't recall it, nor have I written a review for it. So just how much of a continuation of the first part this is, I have no idea. Nor can I state if the characters are continuations from the first movie.
While "Happy Ghost II" is an enjoyable enough movie, it is hardly one that warrants more than a single viewing. Or if it does, it would be with years passing in between.
My rating of the 1985 "Happy Ghost II" lands on a six out of ten stars.