I've just discovered this on Virgin. (TV on Demand, Boomerang) It has my favourite pup, Scrappy, who still worships his Uncle Scoob, but has learned the art of running away. And he has a new friend called Film Flam - a street urchin. He doesn't bother me either. I didn't like the costume change for Shaggy, but he's just as goofy & lovable. Daphne also remains. However the stand out character is Vincent Van Ghoul, a warlock (played by Vincent Price) who lends magical aid to the gang. The annoying characters in the show are Weird & Bogle, who act as henchmen to the evil ghost of the episode - very cartoony, & as in the other Scrappy cartoons - real. (Sorry, I'm not that keen on the older fake ghost episodes.) And Scooby is Scooby. It's not the standard formula, but it's entertaining enough. Whether or not you like the younger characters, it's worth a look. 7/10