Whilst it has to be said that this rather silly and I'm afraid somewhat pretentious, I enjoyed it. If Mr Bunuel junior had been able to shrug off the onerous responsibility of being his father's son, this could have been a less seriously intended and much more fun film. However, I am being picky for there are enough stimulating lines of dialogue and provocative visuals to keep things moving and we have the two stars, on top form, as well. Fernando Rey is at his impish best, and if at times we are not too sure what is going on, he never seems to have any such doubts. At once creepy, half crazed and completely mad he slides, bounds and crashes throughout his many scenes. And Catherine, seven years after her amazing performance in Mr Bunuel senior's classic, Belle de Jour, she is back again giving her all for his son. She does wear red boots a lot of the time but I saw nothing significant in this to warrant the title but she looks lovely in them. In truth she looks lovely without them too and with and without all her clothes. Well worth a watch.