When the film begins, Ned (David Hartman) and Vicki (Jess Walton) are incredibly in love--so much so that it's like a Hallmark commercial. Because they are so in love, it makes what happens next almost impossible to believe. After receiving a letter from her mother, Vicki deliberately picks a fight with her husband and they start violently arguing. Then, in a shocking development, he slaps her!! She stomps off--vowing never to return. The intensity of this altercation, especially in light of the beginning of the film, sure left me scratching my head!!
Soon, Ned begins to worry about his wife...and this is very normal and to be expected. When she hasn't returned after a day, he goes to the police...again...normal and expected. But what takes place in the second part of the film is just insane. Out of the blue, the police try to arrest him (though they have no real evidence he committed any crime) and what does he do? Yep, he attacks the police detective and then steals a car and sets out to find his missing wife!!! On what bizarro world does this make any sense?! It completely ruined the movie as Ned just seemed nuts....and didn't fit in with the rest of the film. Too bad the ending was actually really good...as by then I was irritated that the script was so sloppy and convoluted. After seeing this, I could see why soon after this Hartman quit acting and went on to become the host for NBC's "Today Show"...a job he kept for many years.