Considered by many the best ever "Carry On" film, I think I still prefer CARRY ON...UP THE KHYBER (1968) to it, but it's certainly one of the more tolerable entries in the series. Essentially an update of I'M ALL RIGHT, JACK! (1959) in its concern over working conditions in a factory and the frequent strikes ordered by the union's representative (usually over a trifle, or even a technicality in the regulations!), the fact that the manufacture involved is toiletware, the lavatorial humor associated with this team is quite appropriate here - though it never descends to the grossness which seems to be the norm for today's would-be comedies.
Most of the regulars of the series can be seen strutting their stuff (though perhaps the most notable contribution is given by newcomer Kenneth Cope as the shop steward) and there's no shortage of lewd remarks but, as I said, it's all done in fun (while these films may have been restricted to adult audiences back in the day, they're quite PG stuff today!). There's still a bit of padding involved - such as Sid James' winnings at the races (following the predictions of his wife's pet bird!), the love triangle involving Cope, Jacki Piper (as James' daughter) and Richard O'Callaghan (as the son of factory boss Kenneth Williams) and especially the lengthy outing in Brighton; all things considered, however, an enjoyable vintage comedy which is ideal viewing for the festive season.