This series was a spin-off from 'The Army Game' (now available on DVD, and probably worth checking out, although my infant memories of it may be unreliable), featuring its two favourite characters, Bootsie (Bisley) and Snudge - now working in a posh club in London. I was between five and eight when this was on, and the concept of the setting was lost on me, but I loved the show, and the antics of the characters. The fact that The Army Game is available on DVD, and this is not, points to the likelihood that it is lost forever. Oh, well. Clive Dunn appeared in this, looking exactly as he did in Dad's Army, ten years later, and playing much the same sort of character - in this case, 'Old Johnson', constantly reminiscing about 'Mafeking', another reference that was lost on me, but still seemed funny at the time. Robert Dorning was the snippy Hon. Sec, cutting everyone's arguments off with 'tup-tup! Tup-tup-tup!' The relationship between the two leads was similar to Laurel and Hardy in the respect that they were both a little dim, but Bootsie knew that he was, and Snudge didn't. Bootsie's defence against Snudge's snorting was the unforgettable, 'Ooh, Mister Smudge, you're all luvly an' 'orrible'. Later, they span off from the gentlemen's club setting, but I have no specific memories beyond these few catchphrases. I just know that as a little kid, I liked it, and I could watch it with my family. They tried to revive it in the early seventies. I watched one episode, and I wanted to like it, but it was 'orrible, and in no way luvly.