During Van Johnson's career, he played a lot of really nice guys. I have no idea what the real Johnson was like...but the image for years was of a nice, unassuming guy. However, in a major change of pace, in "Wives and Lovers" he plays a complete jerk...a guy more interested in his own success than his wife (Janet Leigh) or young daughter. I think the film is supposed to be a comedy...but I found Johnson's character so unlikable that it was hard to summon up a laugh.
When the story starts, Bill (Johnson) is a husband who stays home to earn money as a writer. His wife, Bertie (Leigh), works outside the home in order to let Bill follow this dream. As a result, they are rather poor...but happy.
One day, Bill's agent (Martha Hyer) arrives at their small apartment to make an announcement....she sold Bill's book. Not only that, she got a fortune for it...as well as the movie rights...and stage rights. Now, Bill is the toast of New York...and in the process he completely neglects his family. For him, it's all-important that he follow his dream and he makes various promises to his family to spend time with them...though over time you realize his promises mean nothing. What's next? See the film...but rest assured, after a while, Bertie tires of waiting at home for him to return.
In so many ways, this film is a product of the 1960s...with newer mores than you would expect in earlier Leigh and Johnson films. So, there's more innuendo as well as cursing. It also shows marital problems...which you didn't see very often in previous decades.
In many ways, the film reminds me of the recent film "Marriage Story". Neither are funny and it's sad (at least to me) seeing these people tearing each other apart. Not a fun movie to watch...but brave in its material.
By the way, if you prefer to remember Van Johnson positively, you might want to skip this one. He is such a jerk in the film.