The gambling blood in me really appreciated the gambling scenes in this movie, as Harry Tyler, a gambling expert, teaches the boys the art of cheating in cards and dice. We are treated to some fancy legerdemain actually done by producer Jan Grippo in a hand cameo - what a checkered life he must have led! All five boys (Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, David Gorcey, William Benedict and Buddy Gorman) go undercover as workers in a gambling casino to try to unravel the details of Selmer Jackson's apparent suicide. It's all a lot of fun. I enjoyed the scene where Benedict purposely deals two losing unbilled dowagers blackjacks after urging them to bet the rest of their money. (The writers must have seen Casablanca.)
Our forgetful writers department: Selmer Jackson's character name is apparently "David J. Thurston," since it is engraved in the stone facing of his building. But when he signs a letter, it is "David J. Thurstinn."