Throughout the Dr. Gillespie series, Marie Blake (a.k.a. Blossom Rock) appeared in supporting roles...sort of as comic relief at the hospital switchboard. However, this installment she actually has a much larger role as she's one of two women that Dr. Adams (Van Johnson) treats throughout the episode.
When the film begins, you see that Dr. Adams is a complete idiot. He has a gorgeous girlfriend who is rich and adores him...and he's not really interested! It seems that Adams is a macho idiot who has notions that HE alone must provide for his wife and he cannot marry a rich one! What a moron!! Well, despite this, he is a very good doctor and you learn this through the course of the film.
Early in the film, one of the nightclub singers faints...and he happens to be at the nightclub when this happens. Next, Sally (Blake) passes out after complaining about feeling fatigued. Are both cases related? No. One is easily cured but Sally might be pushing daisies unless Adams acts fast.
Overall, this is a very good installment of the series. I only have one reservation and that is because there's a portion of the film when Sally is scared she might have cancer and the overall message is that there's NOTHING worse than cancer. Well, cancer is often VERY survivable (I should know) and perhaps back then it was considered a death sentence...just don't believe it!