A passion project for Australian actor/filmmaker Robin Nicolle, Honest Police is a gentle and enjoyable short film that may not produce anything of a long-lasting nature but delivers a great deal of fun as Nicolle's mysterious loner Kevin Black conducts a different type of policing to ensure honesty is upheld by all members of society.
A partnership with directors Glenn C. Ganley and Samuel Rees, Nicolle and his collaborators don't ever attempt to delve into the history of Kevin's quest to bring dishonest people to justice and they also never try to make Honest Police into something that it's not but at a brisk sub-15 minute runtime, this Australian short provides a well-shot and put together example of DIY film-making that should act as solid inspiration for those looking to bring their various ideas to life on screen.
Starting with a Terminator-esque battle with a non-compliant driver in a parking lot, leading towards a run in with a change hungry customer and a disloyal boyfriend, Honest Police covers a decent chunk of ground in a quickfire manner and while there's clearly a lot that could be done with the idea of a whole new type of police work, there's good humour and fun had exploring Kevin's adventures on his very unique beat.
Well shot by co-director Ganley and delivered with an 80's-lite musical accompaniment, there's a playfulness present throughout Honest Police and while you wish there was some more belly laughs or meaning/explanation behind what transpires in Kevin's quickfire experience, Nicolle's likeable short is a fine example of low-budget film-making from our local shores and one that hopefully leads to more opportunities for all involved.
Final Say -
Short, sharp and slight, Honest Police may lack any significant depth or technical mastery but its a fun and inventive little excursion nonetheless.
3 crowbars out of 5.
For more reviews check out Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)