Wait: you have been gone? No pun intended - also I don't remember the group that sang that song. But it doesn't matter because I only used that for my summary headline. No other connection in that sense. The movie is very well shot - and quite moody! The shock effects are really well chosen too.
If you like slow burning and really character driven stories ... well look no further! The movie that dares ... and dares you the viewer too. Towards the end you may think your sound system has issues ... but what you hear ... it is intended! So kudos for being brave and doing this ... it may lose the movie some viewers ... but it will on the other hand give it strong support from those who will absolutely love it ... we need movies to test limits and go beyond ... which could be seen as a pun I reckon ... intended? Well you'll be the judge ... from bystander to main figure ... what would you do? Strong images - beware.