Just like his previous film, Blattenberger has put together something that looks like it was filmed on a sony handy cam, littered with actors from his local improv class. Unfortunately, it looks like most of the budget was spent on casting Vosloo, Jorge Garcia, and Bruce Davison, and because of that it's cast a large, permanent stain on all of their acting careers. To go from an Oscar nomination, to playing any part in this abomination is nothing short of career ending for Bruce Davison, no matter how well he portrayed his own character.
The pacing is slow, the acting is awful, and the image quality, grading, editing, etc all looks very amatuer. If you go into this expecting what it is at face value, you may enjoy it. And what it is at face value is an extremely low budget, high school film class project. If you expect anything further than that, especially after seeing the 3 previously mentioned actors on the cast, you will be horribly disappointed.
I'd skip this film, as well as Point Man, and opt for something by a reputable director, and studio, if you value your time.