Yet another lazy, pointless movie made as if it was a long YouTube short.
This movie was like having a coke-head show up to your party and tell you something interesting but then their high gets progressively higher and they start doing completely random new things instead of building on what they were telling you about. It also feels like the jokes were written for toddlers. They were ALL flat and did not hit the mark.
I am tired of living in a world where the influence of the online world bleeds into the movie industry. This movie is the same caliber as short films on YouTube. It also acts like it is trying to appeal quickly to followers instead of entertain a fresh audience of general people. But ultimately, it was empty and had no purpose or focus. I'm afraid we are in an era of A. D. D. Entertainment. And if you can't keep your attention focused enough to make a linear and intriguing story then how do you expect an audience to have attention to watch it?