Camilla Barnes: It makes me so sad that we as a society are still so inflexible about public nudity.
Steve Galmarini: What nudity? I'm writing him up for having a sleepover on state property.
Ash Baker: I swear I didn't know you couldn't camp on the beach.
Camilla Barnes: But whose beach is it really?
Steve Galmarini: California's.
Camilla Barnes: Isn't that just what we've been told? I mean, California's a concept. It's a way of saying "We're not Nevada, and thank God for that."
Steve Galmarini: It's a fascinating perspective, but...
Camilla Barnes: And when I come home from a day at the shore, and I've got sand in my bikini crotch, am I... stealing from state property, sir.
Steve Galmarini: Okay, cool it with the "sir."
Camilla Barnes: Yet this young man, who lies upon said sand, is somehow threatening your concept of ownership?
Steve Galmarini: Do you want a citation, too?