This version brings nothing new or worthwhile to the well-worn tale. It does deliver several distracting and irritating elements. Robin Marion and maybe ten other people are "hiding" in the thinnest forest you've ever seen, and they enjoy roaring fires at night, then wonder how the sheriff's men found them. Robin shoots a guy with an arrow, but then doesn't kill him -- has to deal with him later. Marion knocks out a giant, but doesn't kill him -- Robin has to deal with him later. A man attacks Robin's men and they knock him out... see the pattern? Other disappointments include Marion repeatedly demonstrating she can't fight with a sword (even less than everyone else), and on stone floors and reflective walls, everyone can sneak up on everyone else.
The dialog is predictable, used mainly for repeated exposition, because you wouldn't know (or care) what is going on unless they told you out loud. For a gang of outlaws and a castle full of baddies, the cast is pretty sparse. We get a bit of forest, a stream and some stonework from various periods as a backdrop to the intrigue. The musical score could have come from a video game. It drones on, up and down and fails to add the suspense that everything else also fails to add. Oh, and Robin, Marion and other good guys are all dressed like Ewoks.
Unless you are close friends with someone in the cast, I can't imagine why you'd want to sit through this.