Perfect Bid: The Contestant Who Knew Too Much (2017)
**** (out of 4)
If you're a fan of The Price Is Right then you probably know about them an who won the showcase with the perfect bid. What you might not know is that the man who "won" the show wasn't really the one who gave the bid. This documentary covers super-fan Theodore Slauson who had a long connection with the show and did some pretty amazing things on it.
I had never heard of this documentary before stumbling upon in on Amazon and I'm so glad that I watched it because it truly is wonderful. If you're a fan of The Price Is Right then this here is a must see but I'd say that even if you hate that show this is still very much worth watching because it tells the story of a pretty incredible event and the various years of things that had to happen for everything to fall into place.
Game show scandals are always a hot topic and I'm sure most people know about the one on Press Your Luck. What was so shocking about this is that even casual viewers could often times know that the show repeated the prices on items so it's really no wonder that someone like Slauson took it to the next level and really programmed the prices. The documentary does a terrific job at getting his side of the story, his train of thought and letting him explain how he accomplished what he did.
Even better is that we get interviews with producer Roger Dobkowitz and Bob Barker who talk about some of the earlier episodes that featured Slauson doing his magic. There's also an archival interview with Drew Carey where you can see his reaction to this perfect bid and it makes sense as to why he was so worried and upset over it.
This documentary seems to slowly be picking up some traction as far as people talking and hopefully it gets out there into more homes. Slauson's story and what happened from that perfect bid were great entertainment and this is certainly worth watching.